Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Seven times seventy

I am being challenged to grasp what forgiveness is. I find it difficult to understand that I have been forgiven some days and that is why I tend to try to earn my salvation by doing good things. I forget the whole reason how I have been given new life, a second chance.
I am struggling today. There is a family at my workplace that I find very difficult to get along with. I don't know how to show them love. I want to punch them all in the face if I can be frank. But I know that God is love and he has loved me so for him I need to love them. For them I need to love them. For me I need to love them.
The first step for me to take is to forgive them. Which sounds simple. Done. But I know I am going to go through the same frustrations with them the next day. If I forgive them it doesn't mean they change. That part for some reason is the hard part. Knowing that everyday will be frustrating and every day I need to extend love and forgiveness. It is easy to forgive someone when you know he is sorry and he will try to not hurt you again. This is not the case.
Matthew 18:21-35
God is calling me to forgive unconditionally. Every time, all the time. Genuinely from the depths of my heart because that is the kind of forgiveness I have been given.

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