Sunday, April 13, 2014

What is this life?
A breath and then it is over.
We will never know when our life is at its end.
Why does that seem to bother some more than others?

Is this life just about looking good and saying the right thing?
Is it just about finding the right job and living out your dream?

What is a dream any way? Did I really come up with the idea or did someone put the thoughts in my head? Was it my environment that influenced my thoughts about the future and the way life is supposed to be?

How can I see something so clearly and others can not?
How can I believe in something so strongly and another just stands there staring blankly?

Life seems to be a number of choices, one leading to the next. Good, bad, wise, unwise. I have the freedom to decide which type of choice to make. Even if the circumstances around me are out of my control, I still decide my actions.
Why can't we man up and acknowledge that? We can't blame anyone for the hole we got ourselves into, not even God. Especially not him actually, because if we knew anything about him we would know that he allows us to make our own choices.

I understand that the church has hurt many people. I don't understand how people think God has had any part in that.
We get a new day, every day. Sunrise, sunset, the sky and the stars. There are trees and flowers, seasons and animals. Feelings, beauty, music, love. Food, drink, sleep. God gives us that. So why do we get mad at him?
2 timothy 4:1-5

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