Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Thought for the day....

1Peter 3:3 cev
"Don't depend on things like fancy hair styles or gold jewelry or expensive clothes to make you look beautiful. Be beautiful in your heart by being gentle and quiet. This kind of beauty will last, and God considers it very special. Long ago those women who worshipped God and put their hope in him made themselves beautiful by putting their husbands first."

The Breakdown:
I think this verse isn't saying that we should wear potato bags and never comb our hair. It is saying to not depend on our appearance; don't put your trust in those things. Our outer appearances will change and fade, our character will grow stronger by the day if we work on it. I think of my husband's Nana. She is beautiful beyond words because her beauty runs deeper than her skin. She respects her husband and loves her family. She is not caught up in the latest and greatest. She is concerned about the welfare of mankind. She is very interested in our lives. Joe's Nana makes me feel accepted and valued. Those are the qualities that make us beautiful. 

The Questions:
What do I define beauty as?
According to the Bibles definition of beauty, am I beautiful?
Do I believe that my inner self is what really needs work, not my outer appearance?
Is there a way to balance the time I spend on my outer appearance vs inner self?
Do I care more about what I look like than how I act or think about myself and those close to me?

The Conclusion:
I can make myself beautiful but through a different way than what cosmetic companies tell me.
Being gentle and quiet is more valuable than gold or new clothes.
My actions are what determine my beauty- will I put others before myself? 

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