Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A challenge...or two

      Due to the rising awareness of the world I live in, I am taking steps to challenge the way I think and act. Let me explain.
I am one of the richest people in the world when comparing materials. I own a car and rent an apartment. I always have money for food, clothing, water, and electricity. All of my needs and many wants are met. I never go to bed hungry or thirsty. I have a job. I have a family who loves me. I have great healthcare and insurance. I don't fear for my life on a daily basis.
The list can go on.

     I have been made aware that my purpose is to receive so that I can give. I take so I can share. I was born in this rich country for a reason. We forget sometimes how easy our life is. We get frustrated by "first world problems" which obviously aren't anything to worry about. I want to stop using the line, "But it's the culture we live in, right?!", as an excuse for my decision making. I want the richness of my life to be found in family and friends not my stuff.

The Conclusion:
As of right now I am being challenged to:
  • Buy less 
  • Shop second hand for everything other than food and underwear!
  • If I do buy new it needs to be made ethically
  • Use the stuff I have already bought until it wears down/out and then possibly mend it??
  • Go through my home and find things I won't use and donate them
  • Buy fair trade whenever possible
  • Be more thankful for what I have that I take for granted (hot showers, comfortable bed, running clean water)
  • Complain less- that's a big one!
  • Give however (money,time) to someone, something to improve quality of life 

This is my challenge. Will you take this challenge on with me? 

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